Moving on from our last point, search engines have several ways that they check to decide if a website is a credible source of information. On the surface they will look at how many indexed pages a site has, generally the more the better. But, it's not just about indexed pages - the content on those pages needs to be trustworthy.
Prior to Markets being launched Shopify did (and does) allow you to have many worldwide locations for your brand... but it means having multiple stores, and managing each one individually, rather than the ease of having a single 'umbrella' store to run things from. Many long-time merchants have been eagerly awaiting this new Markets option!
It can be very tempting to look at your spreadsheets and schedule, counting down the days to the migration, seeing this as a business transaction. Maybe you should be looking at it as a new beginning where you can breathe new life into your business the way you want, with a platform that has a wealth of opportunities.