The Do's and Don'ts Of Shopify Migration
Are you interested in migrating to Shopify? Have you been seeing more adverts than usual relating to the benefits of Shopify? Then read on because we can explain how a Shopify migration works, and we can even provide some helpful hints to make the process go as smoothly as possible!
If you've already done your research then click here to contact us and start your switch to Shopify today.
Why are more people moving their businesses to Shopify in 2022?
It may seem as if the green and white Shopify logo is appearing everywhere you look online... of course there is strong marketing behind this surge, but also it's because brands and businesses have figured out that Shopify is an excellent platform to trade from.
At Pear Digital we have known this for more than 7 years! We have followed Shopify since 2015, seeing how it has evolved and listened to its users. You now have the option to migrate to Shopify 2.0 if it suits, and whatever version you choose, there are a whole host of compatible apps to make your life easier.
There are approximately 1.75 million active users on the platform, there are forums, help desk chats – any number of friendly people waiting to assist you... but where do you start when it comes to a migration? You already have all you details and customers on your current platform...
Fear not! One of the main reasons that Shopify is appealing is the abundance of customisation options, and the ease in which your digital marketing team can help you transfer. Pear Digital have successfully been doing this for years. Here are our top tips.
Housekeeping isn't just for audits.
First up, this could be the most important of all the ones on our list. If you're looking to migrate to another platform, you'll need to ensure your current business is in order. Do you or your team know every single part of your website inside and out? Do you have all the details readily available to send over to the people helping you move? Are there any current coding issues? Do you have backups of ALL parts of your website?
These are things you might be asked for a business annual audit, or when you are trying to attract share holders, but they are also crucial to having a successful migration between any two platforms. We have our own tried and tested ways of working, keeping your data safe, and preserving your organic rankings... but if your business isn't organised it can impact the schedule for the switch over, the efficiency, and even cost more than you budgeted for. So, before you decide to migrate, carry out some preliminary audits and see what you've got, and what you need to take with you.
It is a little like moving house – especially if you have been established on your current platform for years! If the prospect of this seems a little overwhelming, you can start by looking at each page of your website and noting down what you actually need on your new Shopify site. It could be that migrating is a chance for your to streamline and rebrand.
The key to success is planning!
After checking your housekeeping is in order, you will have accumulated notes and ideas about what you need (and want) from Shopify. Now's the time to work out a loose plan for the transfer, and then discuss it with your digital marketing agents. For example, Pear Digital are a friendly family run business, so if you come to us with an idea or a plan, we will be happy to advise you about the best way to move forward... and make that a reality.
Having a plan and structure in place allows you to slot in all the moving parts that take place within a migration, from the physical website transfer, to the discussions about new apps you want to integrate. We have found that a great way to start your plan, and track your migration, is to create two spreadsheets.
The first has all your current information from your source website, such as each webpage and the data that's currently linked to that etc. The second spreadsheet will be what you want that section of your Shopify website to look like; do you need everything to move over? Are there new elements that need to be created? In this way you can colour-code and check each part of the spreadsheet against the other to ensure that nothing is missed.
Look at the bigger picture.
When a migration takes place (especially if your business has a fairly small team), it can be easy to think of the operation as a simple transfer. You're putting your old website on a new platform, and making sure your customers get the best experience. However, Shopify is not just a storefront, it's a vast array of compatible apps that can enhance your customer's shopping experience – as well as the way you manage the website!
We highly recommend looking at the apps available from Shopify's Technology Partners to see if there's a function that will improve your website, or fulfil one of your long-term goals. Customer service tools such as Gorgias could be the key to getting your brand to the next level and raking in those 5* reviews. Maybe you want to look at your layout, in which case Pixel Union has some exciting themes to choose from.
It can be very tempting to look at your spreadsheets and schedule, counting down the days to the migration, seeing this as a business transaction. Maybe you should be looking at it as a new beginning where you can breathe new life into your business the way you want, with a platform that has a wealth of opportunities.
To speak to one of our knowledgeable team, follow this link and set up a call today.